Remember you listening work can include all kinds of texts, and that listening to English every day helps you improve avoiding grammar mistakes when you write, too! Writing/Speaking, Writing/Listening: Use the TP Podcast , its stories or the segment of Useful Language. Writing/Reading: On my blog Language Learning from Reading
you'll find help to learn to write, too. Check out the C1 Resource Pack for many of the notes here and elsewhere. Also: Working with mistakes (LoM) and Lists of Useful Language.
Textual Analysis 1-3: Introduction (TA01, TA02 & TA03). In TA 02 you'll find a general description of some types of texts, their language & structure, and a selection of links to expand on that.
How to Write a Composition (Very useful: how to generate ideas and organize them depending on what type of text you need to write; tips for different parts in the text; final exercise)
Tips for Writing Assignments (Very useful for Writing Tests, too, if you practise: brainstorming for language items)
How to Improve your Writing (Before & After: Brainstorm & Outline + Proofreading - Proofreading is also a basic procedure for checking exams before handing in)
How to write/learn/think
The Importance of Beginnings & Endings
(1 page) Check out Exercises - Writing! (for an exercise on opening and closing sentences)
Using Contractions
Spelling & Punctuation (Commas, Capitalization, Hyphenation, Dashes)
Avoiding Sexist Language
How to Work on your Writing Assignments (Writing Files) from EOI Teacher Sharing C1 Work on Vimeo.
Letter-Writing (Semi/Formal and Informal, all kinds of letters: business emails, letters of complaint, application letters, letters to editors...)
Types of Texts
Reviews (Books/Movies/Places)
More: Descriptive Texts 1 (Theory) & Descriptive Texts 2 (Practice) + Your Stuff! - Texts - Reviews
Proposals - For Background Info for proposals on Alternative Work Arrangements (see The World of Work below)
Reports - Accidents
(2 pages)
Stories: Narratives 1 (Theory) & Narratives 2 (Practice)
Essays, Reasoned Opinions, Pro/Con Texts...: Argumentative Texts
Instructions, How-to texts, Recipes: Instructional Texts 1 (Theory) & Instructional Texts 2 (Practice)
The World of Work: job-application letters, CVs/Resumés, informative articles...
Journalism / The World of Newspapers and News Items (pyramidal structure)
At HotPotatoes you'll find Cloze Tests using some other news items.
Exercises. Writing
Exercises. Reading / Writing
Macrofunctions are Describing, Narrating, Giving Arguments (in the philosophical sense!)... For microfunctions, see Useful Language - remember there are podcast episodes with some Useful Language for Writing Assignments on the Talking People Podcast.
Your Texts (Your Stuff!) - examples by students using different kinds of texts
Example of Reading the news to learn to Write or Speak about a topic!
EOI Speaking Tests: Climate Change & Tourism from EOI Teacher Sharing C1 Work on Vimeo.
Writing Guides at Englishbiz
OWL Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
OWL General Writing Concerns
Writing Resources
by Bloggingdotcom
Writing Basics
Some ideas for remembering things and assessing work...
Wanna help in this section?: The Writing Guideline Project Updated on Dec 8, 2007