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More?: Descriptive Texts + Descriptive Texts 2 + Your Stuff! - Your Texts - Reviews
Book/Film reviews are examples of descriptive texts. Other examples include travel guides, descriptions of pictures (paintings or photos), of people and objects, restaurant reviews...
Procedure – time yourself in each part!
Basic Structure of Book/Film Reviews: Title * Gripping Overview * Body * Conclusion - Recommendation
Introduction & Title: Preliminary facts: What is the title or the name of the work? Find an illustrative title (usually the name of the piece). Any other interesting facts about the work? Who is the author? the genre?
Body Strengths and/or weaknesses of the work
Conclusion: State your overall critical evaluation. You have already discussed the major points, so now you must make an evaluation of the work or place as a whole. Are ideas or services relevant? Who for? Why? Does the author achieve his/her purpose? Is the work significant in terms of human knowledge or for any specific group of readers? What is the most important final comment you wish to make? What has reading this work done for you or demonstrated to you?
A very brief book review for a school newspaper:
Matilda, a review by 2MK
This is a book by Roald Dahl.
This is a story about a little girl who has magical powers. She loves her teacher Miss Honey, but is scared of the Principal Miss Trunchbull. She uses her powers to get revenge on the dreaded Trunchbull.
It is a very funny story and one of our favourite Roald Dahl books. We would give this book a 10/10 rating, because it is full of funny events and Roald Dahl uses some great adjectives.
A film review template/outline
Notice the structure of reviews and the language they use in newspapers or on the Internet. Bring your clippings to class. Contribute a review to TP!