If you wish to send your work, please check out Your Stuff!
Thanks to the Adorable Contributors... All contributors, including the teachers, have volunteered / donated their work and agreed to allow its use for noncommercial purposes provided the author and the TP website are mentioned. For other cases, please get in touch with the authors.
I don't manage to find time to update this section! So sorry! I'll keep trying, though! Check it out once in a while! <3
Course 2015-16: Básico 1 & C1 at EOI Fuengirola
Course 2014-15: Elementary (Básico 1) & Advanced (C1) students at EOI Fuengirola
Course 2013-14
This year we're hoping to host contributions by anyone who is interested in contributing to Talking People. We need help to make this site richer and more interesting!
Course 2012-13
Oral Performances with feedback from teacher
Your Writing at Your Stuff
Guest School: EOI Leganés
Course 2009-11/12
Including pieces by other adorable earthlings!
Guest School: EOI Getafe
Course 2008-09
Including pieces by ex students
Guest School: EOI Getafe
Course 2007-08
Including pieces by ex's! & a special collaboration
Guest School: EOI Goya
Course 2006-07
Including pieces by ex students & friends
Guest School: EOI Goya
Courses 2004-06
The Very First Pioneers
Guest School: EOI San Fernando de Henares
More THANKS...
Thanks to all those wonderful people who put their stuff in the Net for people to enjoy or use for non-commercial purposes! Here are some of them. If you spot I'm forgetting anyone, please, tell me.
Leo's Icon Archive , ClipArtWarehouse
, FreePlay Music
(jazz music at Homepage), Blogger
and Wordpress
(thanks for your blogs!), YouTube
(thanks for those wonderful forums!), the fabulous people sharing their hard work in Podcasts! (bravo!), ListaMatic
and Dreamweaver
(thanks for your templates!), ShoutMix
(mini chats), Slide
(slide shows), Hscriptscom
, SpeedyCounter
, FreeFoto
, Google
(we love yA!)...
There are more people in Projects (free resources)
Artist Fawn Potash (oh, got to delete this because her pics are not on anymore)
Thanks to the authors and publishing houses which are giving us permission to use bits of their work!
Finally, thanx to Atticus! Without his help, none of this would be possible!