Here is a list of the authors and publishing houses who have granted us permission to use bits of their work:
Fernando Sorrentino, Buenos Aires, Argentina - We published his short story "There's a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella"
and our audio version from it. This can be accessed from our section SKILLS - Reading - Exercises and going to the TP Podcast, whose link is above under AUDIOS - Podcasts - EFL Podcasts - The TP Podcast. We haven't created a webpage for this author, or the translator of the story, but will.
Joy Harjo, Muscogee/Creek, the USA - We published her poem "Strange Fruit" and made a little webit for her, which can be accessed from two of our sections: LIBRARY - Literature - Authors - Harjo, Joy; or from THE WORLD - People & Culture - American/Native Indians - Joy Harjo.
New Directions
, NYC, the USA - We pubished the poem and audio "This Is Just to Say" by William Carlos Williams. Copyright © 1962 by William Carlos Williams. Used with permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this poem may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. (Thanks, New Directions!) We haven't created a webpage for this author yet, but will.
If you find anything on this website which should have a written permission, please, let us know: we understand the texts published here fall into the Fair Use category, for this is a non-profit site devoted to helping people learn English and about the very diverse English-speaking communities and we just publish bits of people's work. Thank you