Going Places
Your Stuff (Sts' Contributions: check out Travel Guides)
Here is a selection of interesting people or groups. Help's welcome with organizing and developing this section! :)
Selection of Reading/Listening materials:
Learning from/about Black people
(1 page)
Learning from/about Native/American Indian people
(1 page)
People helping to make the world a better place |
People having a hard time... |
Angela Davis (and Prisons) (Feb 2015) - under construction
HIlma af Klint, a pioneer of abstract art - forgot to link - link!!!!
Howard Clark & Nonviolent Struggle (activist) (Jan 2014)
Books! (for stories, poems, etc. see Literature above, too)
Eve Ensler & the Vagina Monologues
American Indian People - check it out! Amazing work
Jewish & Arab together - Palestina / Israel
Ayaan Hirsi (politician/activist - freedom of speech!)
Vanessa Redgrave (actress, activist)
Rachel Corrie & Palestina (activist)
Georgia O'Keeffe (painter)
Lenny Bruce (comedian)
Thomas Edison (inventor, by Nieves, Y5B, 2006-07)
Marvin Harris (anthropologist)
Apologies Accepted! (people!)
The Mass Media & Democracy (by Miguel Oyarbide, Y4F, 2004-05)
Modern Art (by Rosario, Y5C, 2006-07)
The Black Triangle (by Encarna, Y5C, 2006-07)
Audrey Hepburn (actress)
Barack Obama (politician)
Prisons & People In Prison (Feb 2015)
Some notes on blacks, whites and romanis (for michelle's Av2 students)
5 young people who served prison sentences (audio and transcript)
Life in the Ghetto, 30 mins download (audio and transcript)
Child soldiers (Red Hand Day) Advertising Cruelty
African girl who works in NYC: "News Girl" by Tara Milutis. a 3-min. story.
More: External Links
Hugs For Free (sent by Encarna, Y5C, 2006-07)
The Story Behind the Symbol 
Sam Harris (neurologist & philosopher)
Joseph Stiglitz (economist)
I got this email from Alfredo (Y5C, 2007-08):You have to check out this page... it's incredible, it talks about justice. You can recomend it to my mates if you want... It gives you another vision of justice (I don't know if this is true or not, though...). Check the different sections on the right.
They are incredible: The Civil Justice Theater Greetings |
Other stuff...
The World of Work
The World of YouTube peeps!
A US/Corean st. saying a poem & explaining why she likes it so much (More: Poems) Calamity Jane (explorer)
Billie Holiday (incl. audios)
Beckam (BBC) 2 videos and 1 audio interview (football player)
Kennedy National Portrait Gallery: pics and audios you can download
Interviews Humor Objects Games
Radios At our Podcast section, you can find tons of people, too.
An example here: the Women's Hour Podcast |
Just remember there are stories by and about people all over this website:Movies...
More interesting people at Traveling
50 amazing but completely useless facts

For Gregory Peck (actor) see our To Kill a Mockingbird webpage <
Harper Lee < Writers < Literature < Library