Men Explain Things to Me, by Rebecca Solnit (2014)
Listen to an excerpt on the Talking People Podcast
Here is the Advanced EFL Pack on Rebecca Solnit (4 pdf pages) for improving reading, listening, speaking, writing, and language awareness.
Unbowed, by Wangari Maathai
On or by Petra Kelly (a co-founder of the Green party in Germany, and an activist in the feminist, ecologist and pacifist movements)
Feminism Is for Everybody, by bell hooks (2000)
Language Myths -
Myth 8: Children Can't Speak... (1998) (May 2015) - At the Talking People Podcast
Orange Is the New Black, by Piper Kerman (2010) (March 2015)
For Are Prisons Obsolete? please check out Angela Davis (March 2015)
One Crazy Summer, by Rita Williams-Garcia (2010)
Rosa Parks: My Story (1992)
The Demon Lover. On the Sexuality of Terrorism, by Robin Morgan (1989)
The Beauty Myth. How Images of Beauty Are Used against Women, by Naomi Wolf (1990)
Metaphors We Live By, by George Lakoff & Mark Johnson (1980) - Argument Is War
For more, check out Writers at Literature