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The World - People & Culture - Games


Read an article, discuss and talk about games: Pupils not allowed to play tag (from our Reading section).

Speaking Exercises

Guessing Game worddoc (1 A5 page, to print as a card)
Honey, If You Love Me, Will You Smile for Me? worddoc (1 A5 page, to print as a card)
Memory Game worddoc (1 A5 page, to print as a card)
Whodunnit? worddoc (1 A5 page, to print as a card)

Encyclopedia entry on what is tag worddoc (1 A5 page, to print as a card)
How to play jacks worddoc (2 A5 pages)
Encyclopedia entry on how to play dodgeball worddoc (1 A5 page)
How to play charade worddoc (2 A5 pages)
How to play 20 questions worddoc (1 A5 page)

Printer-friendly version of all cards worddoc (3 A4 pages)

More: Play checkers on-line! external link (Scroll down and you'll find the instructions)

How to Solve Rubik's Cube