House of Light and Shadow, by Nicholas Gage
Job Interviews (from The World - People & Culture)
The World of Work (from Skills - Writing)
"Learning to Think as an Adult. Core Concepts of Transformation Theory"
(1 page), By Jack Merizow.
The Oscars: Environmental Achievements of the
79th Annual Academy Awards
(6 pages, 2007)
Mission: Possible. An Interview with Vanessa Redgrave + teamwork exercises
Art and Science
(12 pages, 2003)
Read about mobiles and learn their vocabulary! Plus exercise
Identify the theme in this short story: There's a Man Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella, by Fernando Sorrentino.
Read this text and do a Reading Comprehension exercise: Ghosts -- fact or fiction?
Dating - classifieds
English Slang For Perplexed Tourists (TV and Cockney)
Summarize this text: So You Wanna Clean Your Apartment?
(2 pages)
Check out Speaking for housing issues
Scientific Article: The Kindness of Strangers
(3 pages, advanced)
Autobiography: Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane by Calamity Jane
(2 pages, intermediate)
Performances: Blacks
(1 page) by Lenny Bruce.
Reading by Topics (for subsequent discussions). Meeting People - Read and talk about it in class! Body Language
Body Language: Get Confident
Flirting and Body Language: First Impressions Count!
First date conversation
If you're interested in the human body & mind
try this link to a BBC website. It's full of interesting reading, and it's also got interactive stuff, like a body where you can place all body parts and tests to find out things about yourself!
Lecturas interesantes
in our Secondary website, which includes bilingual reading like If Men Could Menstruate
(Advanced) or texts in English with an on-line glossary, like If a dog were your teacher...