Section updated in May 2012 to include audios and videos
World Englishes
US American & British Englishes
For English by Native American People, check out American Indians and: English words of American Indian origin
English words of Spanish origin
For Englishes in the UK, check out: Sounds familiar? Accents & dialects of the UK
(British Library) Link sent by Gonzalo (Y5, 2007-08)
Canadian English + videos
Australian & New Zealand Englishes + videos
South African English + videos
Indian English
Caribbean English + videos
Irish English
Audios: listen to different accents in English
from all over the planet! Amanzing project!
English-speakers from all over the world
read out the same text, so you can learn about the peculiarities of each accent!
World Radios
(from Other Audios)
Videos: a woman using 21 different accents
, a man speaks using 24 different accents
Check out our Literature section to find authors from these different countries.
On michelle's English (webmistress)