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Job-application letter by Alicia (Y5) - Letters - Your Texts - Your Stuff!

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About 180 words

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of Psychologist which I saw advertised on the Oal website.

I am twenty-seven years old and I completed my degree on Psychology four years ago at the University of Málaga. After that I got a post graduate in Human Resources.

According to your requirements, I am keen on languages. Currently, I am studying in order to get the B2 certificate in English and the B1 in French.

I have experience at human resources departments -- above all, in accountancy and recruitment processes -- and this summer I worked as a Psychologist giving driving, animals and weapons licenses.

I am used to dealing with people. I am a responsible and a reliable person. I would like to learn as much as possible in your medical centre. Being surrounded by outstanding professionals I think would be the best way for me to achieve that target.

I enclose my cv and I would be glad to attend an interview in case you consider me suitable for this vacancy.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours  faithfully

Alicia H.... G....