Leonard Peltier (Anishinabe/Dakota Nations / USA. 12 Sept. 1944)
Latest news from michelle's blog for her 2013-14 students (Dec 2013): even though it shames the Obama administration, Leonard Peltier is still in prison! It's a nightmare. Jeff posted his latest address in case you want to send him a card or a letter, which he welcomes.
Jeff Nguyen says:
December 19, 2013 at 1:53 am (Edit)
You can send cards/letters:
Leonard Peltier
USP Coleman I
P.O. Box 1033
Coleman, FL 33521
Leonard Peltier -- a great-grandfather, artist, writer, & indigenous rights activist -- is a citizen of the Anishinabe and Dakota/Lakota Nations who has been unjustly imprisoned since 1976. (Source
) He is considered by Amnesty International
to be a political prisoner who should be immediately released. He is known as America's Nelson Mandela and he was nominated for the 2004 and 2007 Nobel Peace Prizes.
Wonder why he didn't get it...
Read here some Quick Facts on the Leonard Peltier case. More info: What led to Peltier's conviction?
Peltier on Dakota in Spain's Blog Post your comments, please.
Books to read on Peltier: Prison Writings. My Life Is My Sun Dance (read about this book here , after scrolling down a bit!); also, Have You Thought of Leonard Peltier Lately?
The Leonard Peltier Defence Committee
"Silence, they say, is the voice of complicity.
But silence is impossible.
Silence screams.
Silence is a message"
~~Leonard Peltier~~
Music - Tribute to L. P. with recordings (Read the "Read more" bit)
Rap - Tribute to Leonard Peltier (7 minutes)