I have visited your website several times, and found it to be very informative. Thank you once again for all your help.
I have visited your website today and I must say I had a great time exploring it.
I have visited your website a few times & I am very impressed, not only with your creativity, but also all of your accomplishments!
This is the first time I have visited your website. I am very impressed.
This is the first time I have visited your website and you have amazed me once again with your brilliance! Your website is the best I have visited.
This is the very first time I have checked out your website, and I have fallen in love with it. I've bookmarked it!
I have visited your website and am very impressed by your services.
I have visited your website, and I really like it. It's informative and easy to navigate.
I've checked out your website and I really like it. It's full of useful information and easy to surf. Thanks so much!
I have visited your website and I am very impressed with the site and the ease in navigating on it
I have visited your website. It's really beautiful and very educational.
I have visited your website and enjoyed the visit.
Yes, there's no negative feedback. The reason is that we're free to visit places, so if we don't like them, we can simply not visit them! In any case, webmistresses and webmasters appreciate (constructive) criticism. How can we do that? Focusing on what can be improved:
I find your website very useful. However, I found a few broken links. Here they are, in case you wish to fix them:
Thank you for your work on your website. It's been very useful. I was wondering if you would like to know that I find the section called "..." is not well-structured. I think concepts could be gathered as follows:
More: Check out also "Giving Feedback"