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The First Time I Had to Give First Aid, by JC (Y5) - Students' Oral Performances with Teacher's feedback - Speaking

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The First Time I Had to Give First Aid

How I Prepared My Story

To prepare this monologue I have worked reading the articles about first aid in the upper-intermediate textbook. After that, I collected useful language and I made an outline with the brainstorming section. Then I practised my speaking by repeating the story a lot of times and practising the intonation of every word and sentence. Finally, I recorded the story some times until I liked it. Thanks for listening.


IN a community

IN it (the pool)

in MY chair

/ríalaisT/ - realized

took her ON his shoulders

/zrou/ throw, not threw

arrived AT the place

THAT MANY people

/okér/ - occur

Everybody HAS to know ABOUT