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Stereotypes (flamenco & siesta), by Mari Carmen Hormigos (Intermedio 2, Intermediate, CEFR B1)
I'm going to speak about stereotypes. Stereotypes are the impressions that we have about PEOPLE IN other countries abroad and THOSE they have about us, IN Spain.
For instance, IT is very common TO HEAR foreign people saying that we Spaniards, dance flamenco, eat paella, like bullfights and they say we are lazy because we have a lot of naps, but I think it's not true.
I'm going TO focus my presentation on flamenco dance and siesta. And why? Because I think these are the most common stereotypes about us.
First, flamenco dance: From my point of view, I suppose the problem is that foreign people don't understand very well this dance, so, when they COME TO Spain and they see people dancing, turning AROUND, moving their hands and their arms*, THEY THINK they are professional dancers but in my opinion not always Spanish people can dance flamenco, even in Andalucía. In addition I can say not all Spanish people like this dance.
On the other hand, thinking of siestas or naps it IS IN PART TRUE because OF our diet and our lifestyle; but we have a handicap. MOST of us work full time so it's impossible to do siesta in the office, at school or even when we are commuting, but in fact in summer at the weekend or on holidays after meals we try to do a little rest. Doctors say it's healthy for us.
So, in conclusion and according to these two examples I CAN CONCLUDE THAT reality is different from the definition given BY stereotypes. THESE are only myths -- sometimes THEY ARE true and sometimes false.
THAT's all.
*Note by YT: Many Spanish people have "salero", which means, they can move and speak as if they were knowleagable of whatever! They're funny and energetic. It's a cultural way. But having "salero" doesn't make you a good flamenco dancer. Flamenco comes from the gypsie culture in Spain and they are not acknowledged culturally as the people who created this world.