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Glossary: Terms Used in Social/NV Struggle - Rosa Parks: My Story - Books - People & Culture

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Glossary of Terms Used in Social (Nonviolent) Struggle
civil rights: derechos civiles
demands: peticiones, exigencias, por lo que se lucha, lo que se pide

demanding an end to: exigir un fin a
carpooling: people giving rides to people who had to take the bus and wanted to join the boycott
carpool driver (específico de la lucha que cuenta Rosa Parks): conductor/a voluntaria de vehículo en apoyo a la gente que hacía el boicot a los autobuses de Montgomery
raise money, fundraise: get money for the struggle
to fight for your rights: luchar por tus derechos
boycott: a boycott, to boycott
demo, demonstration: mani, manifestación
direct action, nonviolent direct direct: acción directa, ADNV
to (help) put an end to (seggregation): (ayudar a) poner fin a, terminar con, acabar con (una injusticia)
court case: el juicio, tu caso
trial: el juicio, el evento
bail: fianza
suspended sentence: suspensión condicional de la pena (cuando es menor a dos años de cárcel y no se va a la cárcel)
to stand for yourself
to be outspoken
to stand by someone
racism: ignorance of the fact that there is just one race, the human race.
sexism, machismo: the basis of the patriarchal heterosexual sex-gender system establishing two sexes and genders, male and female (with a reproductive mission), and the inferiority of women or the superiority of men
classism: despise for the poor, belief in the superiority of the rich
press conference: conferencia de prensa
to give a workshop on: dar un taller sobre
to give a talk on: dar una charla sobre
to hold a meeting/conference: celebrar una reunión/conferencia
to take the minutes: tomar las actas
to facilitate the meeting/workshop: moderar la reunión, el taller
a facilitator, a time-keeper, a minute-taker: papeles que se asumen en talleres y reuniones: moderar, controlar los turnos y el tiempo, tomar las actas.
trainings: entrenamientos
to resist, to persist, to exist: resistir, persistir, existir!
networking: hacer contactos
to spread the word: difundir la información
counterinformation: contrainformación (informal de la realidad versus a la información de temas convenientes de los medios de comunicación de masas, o mass media)
street theatre/performance: teatro de la calle
being civic: ser solidaria, solidario, portarse de manera cívica
human rights work:
handbill, flyer,
refuse to: negarse a
sit-in: sentada
die-in: hacerse las personas muertas
potbanging: cacerolada
singing: cantar
shouting slogans: gritar consignas - We shall overcome, we shan't be moved
hanging banners: colgar pancartas
wearing badges, buttons: llevar chapas
using stickers: usar pegatinas