I. Before you write: Thinking - Brainstorming
Take your time and brainstorm extensively so that you have more material to write a good essay. Trust this, please. The more you think about a subject, the more chances there are that you can do it better.
First, brainstorm on different ways of approaching your essay and on the different topics that could build up your text, the different issues you would mention in connection to the general theme.
Second, brainstorm on how to deal with the topic(s) you’ve selected:
• What’s the structure?
• How will you begin? What’s your general point?
• What points will you develop in each paragraph?
• How will you sustain your points?
• How and when will you illustrate them?
• How will you end?
• Consider the issue of title and theme
Remember to jot down as many ideas as you can. Then select them: cross out the ones you don’t need and consider if there are any ideas missing. Organize them all before you write. Practice in every composition you write!
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