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Speaking - Communicative Strategies - Asking for words!

Communicative Strategies: What's the Word for...?
by michelle (2007, rev. 2009)

When you don't know what a certain word is in English, or when you can't remember, you should never use your Spanish to find or, or remain silent. That is not helpful for the person listening to you, if you are communicating in English. So work a bit to help that person help you!!!

What's the word / the expression for when you feel...

point like this? - face/body language
point like jumping up and down? - to feel like doing something
point as if [ you wanted to run away]? - as if + indirect question word order (S+V)

  Sentences * Grammar Ingredients

What's the word for something you use to put* things in it?
(A bag?, a suitcase?, a box?)
Oh, I can't find the word. It's a kind of... (cold soup)

Relative clause with omission of relative link (which/that) after "something"
Impersonal "You"
Purpose Infinitive
People What's the word for someone who works* in a shop? (a shop assistant?)
How do you call someone who puts a lot of pressure on you? (pushy?)
Relative clause with omission of relative link (who/that) after "someone"
Notice the present simple and the fact it's a third person singular (and therefore carries an -(e)s)
Actions What's the word for when you go like this (perform action) and fall or almost fall? (oh, trip, to trip, like when you step on a banana peel?) cuando haces así
Impersonal "You"
Adjectives What's the word for when you feel very tired? (exhausted?, knackered?, ground to dust?)
How do you call someone who puts a lot of pressure on you? (pushy?)
What's the word for my hair color? (dar?, dark-haired?)
Adverbs & Adverbials Oh my! I can't remember the word. It's similar to "normally" but much more common (usually?) (Yes! That's right! Thanks!)
What's the expression for tow times a week? I forgot! (twice a week!)
Particles What preposition/particle do you use with the verb "marry"? (none!, you "marry someone") Impersonal "You"