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JD Salinger - Writers - Literature - Read! / Listen!

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J. D. Salinger (USA. b. 1919-2010)

salingerat44 salinger&daughter

The selection of these pieces follows different criteria. Let me explain this first.

The Catcher in the Rye picks pieces mainly for Foreign Language Learning reasons, so you can learn to narrate similar events or describe similar objects. I mean, these excerpts are not a sample of the literary quality of this novel.

The Catcher in the Rye (1) worddoc (3 pages): Excerpt 1, from chapter 1. With voc. work.
Temporarily Disabled: The Catcher in the Rye (2) worddoc (3 pages) Excerpt 2, from chapter 17. With questions.

The rest is complete and unabridged, and therefore, all is there for you to like it or not, at whichever level.

Short stories

Please, if you can, don't read summaries or reviews before reading the stories!

A Perfect Day for Bananafish worddoc (8 pages)
Listen! Listen to A Perfect Day for Bananafish on the TP Podcast!

The Laughing Man worddoc (6 pages)

Temporarily Disabled
This Sandwich Has No Mayonnaise worddoc (6 pages)
Hapworth 16, 1924 worddoc (25 pages)
Down at the Dinghy worddoc (6 pages)

More external link stories by Salinger...

I'm beginning to feel that no author has the right to tear his characters apart if he doesn't know how, or feel that he knows how (poor sucker) to put them together again. I'm tired - my God, so tired - of leaving them all broken on the page with just 'The End' written underneath. JD Salinger, 1943

John Keats
John Keats
Please put your scarf on.

From J.D. Salinger's Seymour An Introduction

External links

Dead Caulfields external link The early life and work of J.D. Salinger
Searching for Salinger external link A Students' Project
The Firestone Library external link Place where you can find some of Salinger's unpublished stories