William Faulkner (USA. 1897-1962)
Faulkner's 1933 introductions to The Sound and the Fury
See Shakespeare (MacBeth's monologue mentioning life's sound and fury!)
Faulkner reading parts of his works including the speech he gave when he was awarded the Nobel Prize. [When Faulkner delivered his Nobel Prize speech
no one could understand what he said — he stood too far from the microphone, and his Southern accent and rapid delivery made it even more difficult to understand what he was saying. But when they discovered what he said the next morning, the impact was tremendous. For years afterward, according to one scholar, Faulkner’s speech would be recalled as the best speech ever given at a Nobel dinner.]
Here is William Faulkner's filmography! Faulkner wrote many screenplays, adaptations of novels. For instance, he wrote the screenplay of The Big Sleep, which was based in Chandler's novel, and also the screenplay based on Ernest Hemingway's novel "To Have, or Have Not". (By the way, he didn't like Hemingway much, and Hemingway didn't like him much either!) Both films, great films, were starred by one of the most beautiful real-life couples ever!, Humphrey Bogart (see Casablanca) and Lauren Bacall.
Favorite Faulkner Quotes mostly from his works.
A Faulkner Glossary to clarify questions on his novels