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The TP Podcast with some audio excerpts from novels in the Stories segment
Check out our Literature section |
Author |
Novel |
Alcott, Louisa May |
Little Women |
Brontë, Anne |
Agnes Grey  |
Brontë, Emily |
Wuthering Heights  |
Burnett, Frances H. |
The Secret Garden  |
Burroughs, Edgard R. |
Tarzan of the Apes  |
Cather, Willa |
My Antonia  |
Conrad, Joseph |
Heart of Darkness 
The Secret Agent  |
Defoe, Daniel |
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe  |
Dickens, Charles |
Hard Times 
Great Expectations 
A Tale of Two Cities  |
Doyle, Arthur Conan |
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes  |
Dreiser, Theodore |
Sister Carrie  |
Eliot, George |
Silas Marner  |
Gaskell, Elizabeth |
Mary Barton  |
Hardy, Thomas |
Jude the Obscure 
Return of the Native 
Tess of the D'urbervilles: A Pure Woman  |
Huxley, Aldous |
Crome Yellow  |
Irving, Washington |
Little Britain  |
James, Henry |
Daisy Miller 
The Aspern Papers  |
Kipling, Rudyard |
The Jungle Book 
The Second Jungle Book  |
Lawrence, D.H. |
Sons and Lovers  |
Lewis, Sinclair |
Main Street  |
London, Jack |
The Call of the Wild 
White Fang  |
Marlowe, Christopher |
The Tragical History of Dr Faustus  |
Stevenson, Robert Louis |
The Black Arrow 
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 
Treasure Island  |
Twain, Mark |
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  |
Wells, H.G. |
The Time Machine 
The War of the Worlds 
The World Set Free  |