On-Line Tests (with printable version and answers)
Read the notes on the same topic in the links above, if there are any notes on that, to consolidate. Please, read the sentences aloud, so you get some oral skill practice, too. If you have any questions, you could print them and bring them to class, so we can all discuss tricky cases!
Useful Language More tests at the Intermediate level Under construction... |
It's 42 questions. They're not always the same, in case you wish to you take it twice! There's a spelling mistake in "Business" at the end of the test. (They spelled it with a double n). If you don't agree with any of the answers, tell us in class or on the TP Forums!
Useful Language
Common Phrases and Responses 1 * 2 * 3 (Intermediate)
Prepositions of Time and Date 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 (Intermediate)
Prepositions (Intermediate)
Tenses 1 (Intermediate)
Tenses 2 (Intermediate)
Tenses 3 (Intermediate)
Tenses 4 (Intermediate) (not as helpful)
Tenses 5 (Intermediate) (in dialogue)
Simple present, simple past, simple future (Intermediate)
Tense Agreement (Advanced)
English Grammar Tenses (Advanced)
Future Tenses (Advanced)
Past Tenses (Advanced)
Perfect Tenses (Advanced)
Tenses in the passive (Advanced)
Modals (Intermediate)
Gerund or Infinitive? (Advanced)
Say or Tell? (Intermediate)
Clauses (tenses and connectors)
Conditional tenses (Intermediate)
Time clauses (Intermediate)
Comparison clauses (Intermediate)
Common subordinating conjunctions (Intermediate)
More tests at the Intermediate level (phrasal verbs, confusing words...)
More tests at the Advanced level (Proficiency)
Under construction...
Idioms with the phrasal verb put