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One/Two-minute Listening Activities
for michelle's Avanzado 2 students
I have an awesome listening activity for you to do at home,
a) which is a follow-up on health issues (unit 3)
b) which will help you with your Writing Assignment 3 (reports - traffic accidents)
c) which might be of help in Part IV of the Certificate Reading Test (scanning instructions in 10 minutes)
d) which will allow you to learn how to offer some Basic First Aid
Here's what you could do.
1. Watch at least 3 of these very brief videos a few times – no less than 3, please. Be patient! You could check them out once a day each for a few days.
2. Then while you listen yet once more, you can read the transcript --which you will find by clicking the word Transcript just below the video on your right, or by scrolling down till below the Comment box.
Then you could copy and paste Useful Language onto a Word doc and bring that to class, to practice and/or teach your classmates!
And of course, doing some Listening & Repeating would be awesome. Trust me!
How to do things. Videos: Basic First Aid
Calling 911
Creating an Anatomical Splint
Applying a Sling: First Aid for Minor Injuries
Treating Blistering Burns
Treating a Seizure
Basic Victim Assistance & First Aid
Checking the Pulse, Breathing & Airway
Checking a Conscious Victim
(1'10'') – turn up the volume, but don't read yet!
Controlling Bleeding
Treating Shock in the Wilderness
Foods for a Sore Throat
How to Cure a Sore Throat
(If you actually read the transcript, watch out for misspelled words!)