Lydia (Y5B, 06-07) gave an oral presentation in class last November 2006, recommending the following podcast: English as a Second Language Podcast
If you subscribe to this podcast, you get 15 minutes of audios every day (US American English from LA, California). There are three kinds of audios:
the ESL Podcast, which includes a "slow dialogue", then some explanations, and finally a "fast dialogue" at a native rate of speech (this one is best for Intermediate learners),
the English Café, a radio program at a natural conversational speed,
Here is the list of all the podcasts
you can listen to and download before subscribing, to see if it's good for you.
and a kind of literature section: English Through Stories
for advanced speakers.
The ESL Podcast can be complemented by the Learning Guide, which provides an additional 8-10 pages of explanations, examples, and information to help you understand each podcast even better and learn more, but you need to pay a small fee.
Selected Episodes - no transcripts unless you pay, but there is some vocabulary
Listen From the English Café section, Woodstock Music Festival
Listen From the ESL Podcast, Giving Bad News & Condolenses
, Describing People's Looks
episode 261 - Describing people's personalities. A dialogue. Intermediate
Google's World Library!!! (+ Clint Eastwood; the difference bt "village, neigbourhood, suburbs...") - Intermediate. ESL Podcast, English Café, episode 80