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Your Stuff! - Your Texts - Stories

150-word narrative on past events

How I decided to wear my hair long
by Marta (Y5B, 2007-08)

When I was a little girl, I used to wear a fringe. Like other girls, I would dream of having long bright blonde hair, but I had to put up with wearing my hair in a childish bob hairstyle.

Many years later, the eighties arrived, even for me, an adolescent who was wearing the same absurd fringe, so I decided to change dramatically: I let my fringe grow and combed it back!

After this traumatic experience, it was time I became more classical and I dared to trim it shorter. I shouldn’t have done it, but I did. As my mother prophesied, the result was a catastrophe: I discovered that I had parts of my face that I had not noticed before and that should not be shown (ears, forehead). If only I could keep my former fringe!

At that moment, I decided I would never wear a short hair style again. Ever since, I have always kept my promise.