William Shakespeare
At the Talking People Podcast, a few lines of "To be or not to be" and its pacifist version too, in case you get arrested and have something to declare! :)
Shakespeare in Our Lives - What a piece of work is man / Hair -
Love Quotes From his plays, sent in by Carmen (teacher, 2006-07).
Monologues Amazing parts of some of Shakespeare's most beautiful monologues included in his tragedies: Hamlet's and McBeth's so far. It includes a link started by Marta (teacher, 2007-08) to Hamlet's monologue at the EOI Goya Reading Club. Check it out. If people taking part in that project wish to send in their pieces for publication, you're welcome! Please, read the email ReadMe on your left!
Wired for Books. Shakespeare
Listen to Shakespeare's plays and poems!
Sonnet 145 (1 page)
- with links, including a link to a website where the man who reads the sonnets improvises a little flute melody before doing so!
The complete on-line works of William Shakespeare
Educational Resources
A podcast episode on Shakespeare's contribution to the English language
(vocabulary, phrases and phrasals he introduced)
Reading: Learn about Shakespeare and test your knowledge
Especially recommended: Read about his Style and Language
Some of the words Shakespeare coined
and the link to the play where they were introduced!
Shakespeare Resource Center
Read Hamlet
Read MacBeth Listen
to the play!
Read Romeo & Juliet
The English language took lots of language Shakespeare used for the first time in plays (and written language). When you hear, "There's the rub!", that's Shakespeare. The expression is something like "Ahí está la trampa, el cuento".