Stories. Ogichidaakweg. The Women’s Warrior Society, by Winona LaDuke

Download “Ogichidaakweg” ogichidaakweg_eng.mp3 – Downloaded 1401 times –

Go to the downloadable workshop that includes this story: > Clases y talleres > Talleres de lucha noviolenta. Direct link:

Situations. Bumping into a friend & talking about movies (3, Elementary/Pre-intermediate, A2)

We are happy to share with you a lovely contribution by teachers in one of Spain’s public/state-run language schools for adults (EOI schools).

Going to the movies: Hidden Figures (2017) – with the crosscurricular viewpoint of Education for Equality (Coeducación)

Dialogues for 3 levels: Básico/Pre-intermediate (A2), Upper Intermediate (B2), and Advanced (C1)

Kindly recorded by teachers at the EOI Fuengirola English Department: Marisa & Roberto (for the Básico dialogue), John and MF (for Upper Intermediate & Advanced). Scripts written by… guess who! 😀

Read the transcript here

Situations. Bumping into a friend & talking about movies/films (1, Advanced, C1)

We are happy to share with you a lovely contribution by teachers in one of Spain’s public/state-run language schools for adults (EOI schools).

Going to the movies: Hidden Figures (2017) – with the crosscurricular viewpoint of Education for Equality (Coeducación)

Dialogues for 3 levels: Básico, Upper Intermediate (B2), and Advanced (C1)

Kindly recorded by teachers at the EOI Fuengirola English Department: Marisa & Roberto (for the Básico dialogue), John and MF (for Upper Intermediate & Advanced). Scripts written by… guess who! 😀

Read the transcript here

Elementary/Pre-intermediate. Today! (2) My Day Today 2.2

Read the transcript (for 2.1 and 2.2)


Download “Elementary/Pre-intermediate. Today! (2) My Day Today 2.2” mydaytoday2_2.mp3 – Downloaded 1472 times –

Stories. Why I Refused the National Medal for the Arts, by Adrienne Rich

Read this 1997 article written by Adrienne Rich! (for Advanced students)

Download “Stories. Why I Refused the National Medal for the Arts, by Adrienne Rich” adriennerich_art.mp3 – Downloaded 1679 times –

The Talking People Podcast