Go to the downloadable workshop that includes this story: mujerpalabra.net > Clases y talleres > Tres Talleres de lucha noviolenta, ADNV y autodefensa en culturas de violencia-prevalencia, con “Ogichidaakweg” / Workshop 1 in Workshops on Nonviolent Struggle, NVDA and self-defence in cultures of violence-prevalence. Direct link: https://www.mujerpalabra.net/clasesytalleres/talleresluchanoviolenta/
Tag: women writers
Stories. A Power Struggle, by Bessie Head
Simone de Beauvoir, French Feminist Thinker
Situations. Bumping into a friend & talking about movies (3, Elementary/Pre-intermediate, A2)
We are happy to share with you a lovely contribution by teachers in one of Spain’s public/state-run language schools for adults (EOI schools).
Going to the movies: Hidden Figures (2017) – with the crosscurricular viewpoint of Education for Equality (Coeducación)
Dialogues for 3 levels: Básico/Pre-intermediate (A2), Upper Intermediate (B2), and Advanced (C1)
Kindly recorded by teachers at the EOI Fuengirola English Department: Marisa & Roberto (for the Básico dialogue), John and MF (for Upper Intermediate & Advanced). Scripts written by… guess who! 😀
Read the transcript here
Situations. Bumping into a friend & talking about movies/films (1, Advanced, C1)
We are happy to share with you a lovely contribution by teachers in one of Spain’s public/state-run language schools for adults (EOI schools).
Going to the movies: Hidden Figures (2017) – with the crosscurricular viewpoint of Education for Equality (Coeducación)
Dialogues for 3 levels: Básico, Upper Intermediate (B2), and Advanced (C1)
Kindly recorded by teachers at the EOI Fuengirola English Department: Marisa & Roberto (for the Básico dialogue), John and MF (for Upper Intermediate & Advanced). Scripts written by… guess who! 😀
Read the transcript here
Elementary/Pre-intermediate. Today! (2) My Day Today 2.2
Read the transcript (for 2.1 and 2.2)
Download “Elementary/Pre-intermediate. Today! (2) My Day Today 2.2” mydaytoday2_2.mp3 – Downloaded 1552 times –
Stories. Why I Refused the National Medal for the Arts, by Adrienne Rich
Read this 1997 article written by Adrienne Rich! (for Advanced students)
Download “Stories. Why I Refused the National Medal for the Arts, by Adrienne Rich” adriennerich_art.mp3 – Downloaded 1717 times –Stories. There Was Once, by Margaret Atwood
Stories. Gertrude Talks Back, by Margaret Atwood
Stories. Asking Questions in Church, by michelle
Poems. Child, by Sylvia Plath
Read the poem at the Mujer Palabra website.
Check out the webpage at Talking People about Sylvia Plath
Download “Poems. Child, by Sylvia Plath” plath_child.mp3 – Downloaded 1411 times –Poems. Song, by Adrienne Rich

Read the poem and learn more about this insightful author
Download “Poems. Song, by Adrienne Rich” adriennerich_song.mp3 – Downloaded 2134 times –Quotes. June Jordan

Read the quote and learn more about June Jordan.
Listen to her beautiful very intelligent thought!
Stories. A Telephone Call, by Dorothy Parker
Read the story and learn about how to exploit literature to keep learning the language!
Download “Stories. A Telephone Call, by Dorothy Parker” dorothyparker_atelephonecall.mp3 – Downloaded 2094 times –Poems. Her Kind, by Anne Sexton
Check out the Talking People webpage for Anne Sexton, and you’ll be able to listen to her!!!
Download “Poems. Her Kind, by Anne Sexton” annesexton_herkind.mp3 – Downloaded 1902 times –