Situations. Bumping into a friend & talking about movies (3, Elementary/Pre-intermediate, A2)

We are happy to share with you a lovely contribution by teachers in one of Spain’s public/state-run language schools for adults (EOI schools).

Going to the movies: Hidden Figures (2017) – with the crosscurricular viewpoint of Education for Equality (Coeducación)

Dialogues for 3 levels: Básico/Pre-intermediate (A2), Upper Intermediate (B2), and Advanced (C1)

Kindly recorded by teachers at the EOI Fuengirola English Department: Marisa & Roberto (for the Básico dialogue), John and MF (for Upper Intermediate & Advanced). Scripts written by… guess who! 😀

Read the transcript here

Situations. Bumping into a friend & talking about movies/films (1, Advanced, C1)

We are happy to share with you a lovely contribution by teachers in one of Spain’s public/state-run language schools for adults (EOI schools).

Going to the movies: Hidden Figures (2017) – with the crosscurricular viewpoint of Education for Equality (Coeducación)

Dialogues for 3 levels: Básico, Upper Intermediate (B2), and Advanced (C1)

Kindly recorded by teachers at the EOI Fuengirola English Department: Marisa & Roberto (for the Básico dialogue), John and MF (for Upper Intermediate & Advanced). Scripts written by… guess who! 😀

Read the transcript here

Books. Ch 1. Orange Is the New Black (Memoir)


Check out the Talking People webpage for OITNB

Check out the TP webpage for Angela Davis on Prisons

Download “Orange Is the New Black (Memoir)” orange.mp3 – Downloaded 1194 times –

Stories. Why I Refused the National Medal for the Arts, by Adrienne Rich

Read this 1997 article written by Adrienne Rich! (for Advanced students)

Download “Stories. Why I Refused the National Medal for the Arts, by Adrienne Rich” adriennerich_art.mp3 – Downloaded 1717 times –

Stories. Why I Wrote “The Yellow Wallpaper”, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Read the article, plus some of her stories and the novella The Yellow Wallpaper

Download “Stories. Why I Wrote “The Yellow Wallpaper”, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman” gilman_why.mp3 – Downloaded 1838 times –

Books. The Demon Lover (2 excerpts ch. 1)

Robin Morgan

The Demon Lover. On the Sexuality of Terrorism, by Robin Morgan (1989). A Food for Thought text, with comments on what feminism is by your host.

Check out the TP page where you will find these excerpts.

Download “Books. The Demon Lover (2 excerpts ch. 1)” books_thedemonlover_ch01.mp3 – Downloaded 683 times –

Stories. A Telephone Call, by Dorothy Parker

Dorothy Parker

Read the story and learn about how to exploit literature to keep learning the language!

Download “Stories. A Telephone Call, by Dorothy Parker” dorothyparker_atelephonecall.mp3 – Downloaded 2094 times –

Poems. This Is Just to Say, by William Carlos Williams

William Carlos Williams

I love this poem. It’s so mysterious, and so honest. I don’t know what it means. I just know it means something mysterious and daily and beautiful, plus totally human. Picture it as a post-it note on a fridge. Hope you enjoy it!

Read the poem

Download “Poems. This Is Just to Say, by William Carlos Williams” williamcarloswilliams_thisisjusttosay.mp3 – Downloaded 2130 times –

Stories. A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud, by Carson McCullers

Carson McCullers

A story which is hard to read, especially if you want to teach students to pronounce the endings and the consonant clusters!!! 🙂

Read the story.

Download “Stories. A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud, by Carson McCullers” carsonmccullers_atreearockacloud.mp3 – Downloaded 2602 times –

The Talking People Podcast