Poems. To be or not to be, by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
Welcome to the TP Podcast!
This time I’m going to read one of the most human poems ever written, a poem that can be understood even if we don’t share the same its author’s time space and culture. I’ll read Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be” in Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Then I’ll tell you my pacifist version of the first five lines, which was what I declared when I was arrested after taking Direct Nonviolent Action (DNVA) at Greenham Common in 1990. (I have to add here that the Sergeant was quite enthusiastic about my statement. I was released about half an hour later!)
Read “To be or not to be”. Here is the pacifist version, also in Spanish.
Here is the Talking People webpage devoted to Shakespeare, who we love!
If you’ve never thought about what the to be or not to be question is, I suggest you think about it now, and if you can, discuss it with more people – you will be surprised.
Thank you for listening and have a nice day!
Listen to this episode.
Download “Poems. To be or not to be, by William Shakespeare” shakespeare_tobeornottobe.mp3 – Downloaded 2031 times –

Stories. The Debutante, by Leonora Carrington

Leonora Carrington

Half of this audio is me talking about the writer Leonora Carrington first, a Surrealist artist (painter and writer, trilingual! She does/did that in English, French and Spanish!) and then comes her story “The Debutante,” so you can listen to it in two 5-minute sessions!
More on Leonora Carrington at Talking People (Literature).

Download “Stories. The Debutante, by Leonora Carrington” leonoracarrington_thedebutante.mp3 – Downloaded 2315 times –

The Talking People Podcast