Stories. Ogichidaakweg. The Women’s Warrior Society, by Winona LaDuke

Download “Ogichidaakweg” ogichidaakweg_eng.mp3 – Downloaded 1538 times –

Go to the downloadable workshop that includes this story: > Clases y talleres > Tres Talleres de lucha noviolenta, ADNV y autodefensa en culturas de violencia-prevalencia, con “Ogichidaakweg” / Workshop 1 in Workshops on Nonviolent Struggle, NVDA and self-defence in cultures of violence-prevalence. Direct link:

People. Gene Sharp, researcher of nonviolent struggle

Read the press release here.

Download “People: Gene Sharp (researcher of nonviolent struggle)” genesharp_pressrelease.mp3 – Downloaded 1151 times –

The Talking People Podcast