Gender & Feminist Approaches. Por qué Coeducación

Here is a special episode, both in English and Spanish, for it’s been written for students and state-run/public language schools in Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas in Spain, where Education for Equality is a crosscurricular subject for adults, too.

Download “Gender Issues & Feminist Approaches. Why we have Education for Equality in Spain (Coeducación)” genderNfeminism.mp3 – Downloaded 2036 times –

Download “Temas de género desde visiones feministas, y Por qué Coeducación” generofeminismoycoeducacion.mp3 – Downloaded 1975 times –

Textos escritos (la traducción al español tiene erratas corregidas en el audio):

Mujeres citadas…

Situations. Bumping into a friend & talking about movies/films (1, Advanced, C1)

We are happy to share with you a lovely contribution by teachers in one of Spain’s public/state-run language schools for adults (EOI schools).

Going to the movies: Hidden Figures (2017) – with the crosscurricular viewpoint of Education for Equality (Coeducación)

Dialogues for 3 levels: Básico, Upper Intermediate (B2), and Advanced (C1)

Kindly recorded by teachers at the EOI Fuengirola English Department: Marisa & Roberto (for the Básico dialogue), John and MF (for Upper Intermediate & Advanced). Scripts written by… guess who! 😀

Read the transcript here

The Talking People Podcast