Stories. Traveling, the Forging of a Teacher, by michelle

portada2015ebookFrom our first ebook, “Stories from My Teacher. On the English Language, Lifelong Learning and Our r-evoLution“!

Free ebook download here (also pdf version).


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2 thoughts on “Stories. Traveling, the Forging of a Teacher, by michelle”

  1. Dear Ewa!

    I’m so glad! Thanks so much for you insightful comment!

    I’m looking forward to hearing about your trip! But we WILL miss you!

    Big hug!

  2. I find your story inspiring. I believe that travelling is the most precious thing that you can do in your life. It’s an opportunity to learn not only about people, different culture, but also, as you say, it’s a possibility lo learn about yourself and things you are able to do.

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