If you don’t know J.D. Salinger, listen to this story.
It’s a good way to start – it records a key moment in his life and to understand his work. If you already know him, and enjoy his literature, you’ll love this story. It’s lifelike – daily, undaily, warm and softly funny, very sweet, endlessly sad and tragic.
Check out the Talking People webpage for Salinger.
Download “Stories. A Perfect Day for Bananafish, by JD Salinger” salinger_bananafish.mp3 – Downloaded 2756 times –
It`s great!!!! thank you very much! I enjoyed it a lot!
Dear Pepi! Lovely reading you! sorry for the delay! 🙂 Thanks so much for your feedback! Big hug
Your voice makes it more enjoyable and very easy to understand. Your can “see it all ” while you listen.
From the very beginning you expect something tragic is going to happen.