Elementary. Present. Describing my house

This episode teaches you how to talk about your house, considering structure and language items at the Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels. First listen, and then read the transcript. Finally, try to describe your house!

Download “Elementary. Present. Describing my house” usefullang_describingmyhouse.mp3 – Downloaded 4058 times –

Everyday Language 004 (from HIMYM)

Sentences from How I Met Your Mother (from 5 different episodes), an Oral Presentation by Juan, Cristina Ga. & Elena (Av2 Mon, 2010-11)
Read the sentences
Post the language you learn on the TP Forums here! Thanks!

Download “Everyday Language 004 (from HIMYM)” usefullanguage_himym_mongroup_dec2010.mp3 – Downloaded 739 times –

Everyday Language 003

Sentences from The Big Bang Theory: Pilot episode, an Oral Presentation by Irene, Pedro, Ángel I, Ángel II and Ana Belén (Av2 Tues, 2010-11)
Read the sentences
Post the language you learn on the TP Forums here! Thanks!

Download “Everyday Language 003” usefullanguage_bbt_tuesgroup_dec2010.mp3 – Downloaded 657 times –

Elementary. Spelling. The ABC & a communicative spelling method!

Read the transcript

Download “Elementary. Spelling. The ABC & a communicative spelling method!” special_ABCandspellingnames.mp3 – Downloaded 1854 times –

Useful Language. For Primary Teachers 01


Sentences sent in by Belén (Intermediate 1, 2007-08) & completed by YT
Read the sentences

Download “Useful Language. For Primary Teachers 01” usefulclassroomlanguageprimary01.mp3 – Downloaded 1263 times –

Stories. House of Light & Shadow, by Nicholas Gage

Nicholas Gage

In February 2008, CPG, a fifth year student studying at EOI Goya, gave me a little present – The New York Times Magazine, the 15th of Jan issue, 2006, which is where I found this story. I didn’t know the author, and it’s been a pleasure reading it. I like the story because it includes childhood memories, dreams, a house in an open landscape, which I imagine very beautiful because it’s in Greece, and it also includes thoughts and feelings you get throughout your life, as you grow older. I hope this inspires you to write about your own childhood memories, so you can practice using the past tenses, including the modals! You could just write short 150-word pieces, and send them in for publication! (Check out the TP section Your Stuff!)
So, here it goes. Enjoy! And… Read the story!

Download “Stories. House of Light & Shadow, by Nicholas Gage” nicholasgage_houseoflightandshadow.mp3 – Downloaded 1756 times –

Poems. To be or not to be, by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
Welcome to the TP Podcast!
This time I’m going to read one of the most human poems ever written, a poem that can be understood even if we don’t share the same its author’s time space and culture. I’ll read Shakespeare’s “To be or not to be” in Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Then I’ll tell you my pacifist version of the first five lines, which was what I declared when I was arrested after taking Direct Nonviolent Action (DNVA) at Greenham Common in 1990. (I have to add here that the Sergeant was quite enthusiastic about my statement. I was released about half an hour later!)
Read “To be or not to be”. Here is the pacifist version, also in Spanish.
Here is the Talking People webpage devoted to Shakespeare, who we love!
If you’ve never thought about what the to be or not to be question is, I suggest you think about it now, and if you can, discuss it with more people – you will be surprised.
Thank you for listening and have a nice day!
Listen to this episode.
Download “Poems. To be or not to be, by William Shakespeare” shakespeare_tobeornottobe.mp3 – Downloaded 1942 times –

Stories. There’s a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella, by Fernando Sorrentino

Fernando Sorrentino
Read the story (for intermediate students, there is an abridged version – by me!).
More: Fernando Sorrentino’s website. We found this story at this site: East of Web.
Listen to this story, as it was translated by Clark M. Zlotchew into English.
Download “Stories. There’s a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head with an Umbrella, by Fernando Sorrentino” fernandosorrentino_theresaman.mp3 – Downloaded 1968 times –

Everyday Language 002

Second episode of language we fin on TV series! — a more everyday kind of language than that in textbooks.

Post the language you learn on the TP Forums here! Thanks!

Read the sentences in this audio.

Download “Everyday Language 002” everdaylanguage002.mp3 – Downloaded 798 times –

Books. The Demon Lover (2 excerpts ch. 1)

Robin Morgan

The Demon Lover. On the Sexuality of Terrorism, by Robin Morgan (1989). A Food for Thought text, with comments on what feminism is by your host.

Check out the TP page where you will find these excerpts.

Download “Books. The Demon Lover (2 excerpts ch. 1)” books_thedemonlover_ch01.mp3 – Downloaded 669 times –

Elementary. Present. The Time and Dates 2

Read the sentences here.
Listen and repeat by clicking below. You can also download this episode, supposing you don’t want to subscribe.

Download “Elementary. Present. The Time and Dates 2” usefulclassroomlangelementary04.mp3 – Downloaded 1324 times –

The Talking People Podcast