Useful Classroom Language for Pre-school

gathered by Cristina Fernández (C1, 2015-16) with the collaboration of Nicky Jane Chapman and Antonio Calvo Ortega.

Download the 3 pdf pages here.

Download “Language for Pre-school”

preschool.mp3 – Downloaded 973 times –

Elementary. Present. Nationalities, countries and languages 2


I made some mistakes: People FROM, not IN. “In” is OK, but “from” is more accurate (“in” vale, pero “from” es más preciso). The list of countries is not complete. The world is full of countries and peoples (pueblos)!

People = personas, gente; Peoples = pueblos

Read the transcript.

Download “Present. Nationalities, countries and languages 2”

countriesall.mp3 – Downloaded 816 times –

Stories. Traveling, the Forging of a Teacher, by michelle

portada2015ebookFrom our first ebook, “Stories from My Teacher. On the English Language, Lifelong Learning and Our r-evoLution“!

Free ebook download here (also pdf version).


Download “Traveling, the Forging of a Teacher, by michelle”

forging.mp3 – Downloaded 931 times –

Elementary. Functional Translation 1 (of 3)


Part 1. The first 27/94  sentences of the Spring Test I give my students.

Read the transcript for the 94 sentences.

Download “Functional Translation 1 (of 3)”

springfunctrans01.mp3 – Downloaded 1119 times –

Books. Ch 1. Orange Is the New Black (Memoir)


Check out the Talking People webpage for OITNB

Check out the TP webpage for Angela Davis on Prisons

Download “Orange Is the New Black (Memoir)”

orange.mp3 – Downloaded 973 times –

Books. Language Myths (8, Children Can’t Speak…)


More audios from books

Download “Language Myths (8, Children Can’t Speak…)”

languagemyth8.mp3 – Downloaded 927 times –

Elementary. Irregular verbs and some tips for the Past simple!


This recording has no transcript because textbooks include a list of irregular verbs at the end of the textbook, so check yours!

More audios for Elementary at Useful Language for Elementary students and at My webpage for 2014-15 Elementary students.

Download “Elementary. Irregular verbs and some tips for the Past simple!”

Elementary_irregularverbs.mp3 – Downloaded 1392 times –

Books. Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis (ch. 4)

How Gender Structures the Prison System (it’s 56 minutes! It took me a whole Sunday from start to finish, so I hope you can use it to learn lots! To expand and compare what you learned from Piper Kerman’s memoir, to go beyond, further, deeper in! <3

Check out Angela Davis’s page at talking

Download “Books. Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis (ch. 4)”

davis_4_genderprisons.mp3 – Downloaded 720 times –

Stories. Si fuera… / If I were or was… by michelle

For the time being, you can read the post with the original story here.

The original thing Pablo said was: “A window that cannot close (well)” “Una ventana que no cierra” — I just remembered. Can you draw it?

Download “Stories. Si fuera… / If I were or was… by michelle”

sifuera.mp3 – Downloaded 1214 times –

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