This new segment of Talking People will be recordings of students’ performances in class with their teacher’s feedback on language, structure, communicative strategies, and what not!
The recordings will be published here, on the Talking People Podcast, and the transcripts of teachers’ feedback on the section called “Speaking” at the Talking People Website.
We hope it is useful!
Read the teacher’s feedback
Download “Oral Activities by Learners. Someone I love, by Víctor (Intermediate)” NI2victor.mp3 – Downloaded 726 times –
Thank you to Ana and Silvia too! It’s great to know you’re using it! I agree — it’s an excellent way to learn to notice!
See you around!
You will, you will! Just keep listening to English! Have a nice day!
(English takes a capital letter, OK?)
Thanks so much for letting us know!
Many thanks for the explanation and Victor´s monologue!!!
It´s a good example to understand better the mistakes when we speak in public.
Thanks to Víctor And Michelle!!
Many thanks to Victor and Michele.
I hope some day to speak well english….