Teresa de la Parra, Venezuelan Writer

We start a new segment, Feminist Biographies, due to work by students involved in the I Semana Cultural Feminista 2019 of a public language school in Spain.

Read the transcript here.

Download “Feminist Bios. Teresa de la Parra, Venezuelan Writer” feministbios_delaparra.mp3 – Downloaded 991 times –

Teresa de la Parra

Books. Rebecca Solnit’s “Men Explain Things to Me” (excerpt)

Here is the Rebecca Solnit Pack (4 pdf pages) for Advanced EFL Learners (it includes the transcript of this podcast episode)

Download “Books. Rebecca Solnit’s “Men Explain Things to Me” (excerpt)” solnit_mansplaining.mp3 – Downloaded 1193 times –

Gender & Feminist Approaches. Por qué Coeducación

Here is a special episode, both in English and Spanish, for it’s been written for students and state-run/public language schools in Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas in Spain, where Education for Equality is a crosscurricular subject for adults, too.

Download “Gender Issues & Feminist Approaches. Why we have Education for Equality in Spain (Coeducación)” genderNfeminism.mp3 – Downloaded 1939 times –

Download “Temas de género desde visiones feministas, y Por qué Coeducación” generofeminismoycoeducacion.mp3 – Downloaded 1891 times –

Textos escritos (la traducción al español tiene erratas corregidas en el audio):

Mujeres citadas…

Stories. My Mum, the Circus & Family Adventures!

Going to this webpage on Your Stuff! > Your Texts > Stories, you will find the transcript, too. It includes a page with Useful Language and links to get more Useful Language on various topics!


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People. What can we learn from Virginia Woolf?

Download the AntiExam Pack: Virginia Woolf, the Spring Practice Test Pack for Elementary (Básico 1). Use this episode to prepare a monologue on Virginia Woolf.

Download “People. What Can We Learn from Virginia Woolf?” virginiawoolf.mp3 – Downloaded 1192 times –

Intermediate. OP on Healthy Food

I’m excited to present a new segment (yes! Yet another! :D) which I’m creating because Mari Carmen, someone I worked with when she was in Básico 1 (Elementary) has sent in the script of a “monologue” she wrote for class, now that she is in “Intermedio” (B1). Thanks so much for this precious contribution! I’m sure it will help other B1 (Intermediate) students! Enjoy!

Read the transcript

Download “Intermediate (B1). Healthy Food Monologue” b1_healthyfood.mp3 – Downloaded 1181 times –

Poems. “Dear Webster” by Connie Fife (Cree/Mohawk)

Read or print the poem

Download “Poems. "Dear Webster", by Connie Fife (Cree / Mohawk)” poems_conniefife_dearwebster.mp3 – Downloaded 2334 times –

People. Gene Sharp, researcher of nonviolent struggle

Read the press release here.

Download “People: Gene Sharp (researcher of nonviolent struggle)” genesharp_pressrelease.mp3 – Downloaded 1125 times –

The Talking People Podcast