Useful Language for Speaking Interactions 2. Spain (Intermediate, Advanced)

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Download “Useful Language for Speaking Interactions 2. Spain (Intermediate, Advanced)” usefullang_SpSpain.mp3 – Downloaded 1015 times –

Useful Language for Speaking Interactions 1 (Intermediate, Advanced)

Sentences for Organizing Events, Helping People and talking about Pros and Cons of Options

Read the transcript

Download “Useful Language for Speaking Interactions 1 (Intermediate, Advanced)” usefulang_Sp1.mp3 – Downloaded 1497 times –

Useful Language. Indirect questions (2)

Read the sentences

This is the post that gave me the idea for this episode. It was to remind my students how Oral Drilling can be done at home.

Download “Useful Language. Indirect questions (2)” indirquestions2.mp3 – Downloaded 1434 times –

Useful Language. The Passive 01

This episode is for Upper Intermediate or Advanced students, a kind of checking you know where you are in terms of uses for the passive!

Read the transcript

Download “Useful Language. The Passive 01” usefullanguage_passives01.mp3 – Downloaded 979 times –

Useful Language. For Primary Teachers 01


Sentences sent in by Belén (Intermediate 1, 2007-08) & completed by YT
Read the sentences

Download “Useful Language. For Primary Teachers 01” usefulclassroomlanguageprimary01.mp3 – Downloaded 1279 times –

Useful Language. Saying You’re Sorry

This audio includes “sorry” sentences you can use in conversations and in notes and letters/emails. It also includes some language comments, like the comment about the three different “that” words you can find!

Read the sentences in this episode. More: Apologies Accepted at TP and some sorry letters at the TP Writing section.

Download “Useful Language. Saying You’re Sorry” usefullang_apologies01.mp3 – Downloaded 1289 times –

Elementary. Useful Classroom Language 2

An episode dedicated to my Elementary students (Básico 1, 2008-2009). It’s a revision of what we learned to use in class in our first lessons!
Read/Print the sentences in this episode. Enjoy!
Download “Elementary. Useful Classroom Language 2” usefulclassroomlanguage02.mp3 – Downloaded 2312 times –

Useful Classroom Language 1

Sentences for Grammar Teams (Intermediate and Advanced levels). Listen and Repeat these sentences till you are really good at saying them. Then remember to use them in class!
Read the sentences

Download “Useful Classroom Language 1” usefulclassroomlanguage01.mp3 – Downloaded 1028 times –

Useful Language. Letter-Writing. Requesting information 01

With this audio we’re pushing our section of Useful Language a bit further, to include… letter-writing!

Why record audios of that? Well, you can learn to read the language we may use in letters. In this way, you’ll remember it better. You’ll probably consolidate your speaking skills and you are likely to improve in terms of not making certain kind of grammar mistakes — those “silly mistakes” you always make and that you keep not fixing because you insist in NOT proofreading your work!!! ;D

Listen now to this sample letter of someone trying to find out some information about language courses abroad.
Read this letter here.
If you want me to read your own sample letters, just let me know!

Useful Language. Saying thank you 01

Read the thank you sentenceson this Talking People link
Read the thank you notes on this Talking People link
This episode contains mostly drilling (the same structure with changes in some words), so at times I won’t be repeating each sentence twice, just once. It has two sections: first, a one-page list of useful sentences to thank people different kinds of things. Then, 6 different thank you notes or letters you could learn to be fluent in! If you wish to write Thank You Notes and Letters please, post them here for correction and subsequent publication!

Download “Useful Language. Saying thank you 01” usefullang_letters_thanks01.mp3 – Downloaded 1560 times –

Useful Language. Making requests 01

Read the sentences
It includes drilling with indirect questions, too. More on indirect questions here.

Download “Useful Language. Making requests 01” usefullang_requests01.mp3 – Downloaded 1964 times –

Useful Language. Giving contact information

This episode contains sentences you can use while speaking or in writing to give contact information.
Read the sentences.

Download “Useful Language. Giving contact information” usefullang_givingcontactinfo.mp3 – Downloaded 1838 times –

Useful Language. Suggestions, Proposals, Recommendations

Read those sentences at the TP Website.

Download “Useful Language. Suggestions, Proposals, Recommendations” usefullang_suggestions01.mp3 – Downloaded 1606 times –

The Talking People Podcast