Stories. Ogichidaakweg. The Women’s Warrior Society, by Winona LaDuke

Download “Ogichidaakweg” ogichidaakweg_eng.mp3 – Downloaded 1401 times –

Go to the downloadable workshop that includes this story: > Clases y talleres > Talleres de lucha noviolenta. Direct link:

Stories/Dates. The Mirabals & Nov 25 + Pron. Pasts!

Listen to this adaptation of an original advanced text on the Mirabal Sisters to the pre-intermediate level. It’s a mediation project by A2 (pre-intermediate students). I’ve recorded it to help them with the second part, and with the pronunciation of the pasts in the active and the passive!

Read the transcript!

More on the Mirabals coming up soon…

Our love and respect to the Mirabals and people like them!

Download “Stories/Dates. The Mirabals & Nov 25” mirabalsNB2.mp3 – Downloaded 3699 times –

Stories. The Tale of the Voice, by Emma Donoghue

Go to Emma Donoghue’s page on Talking People and download a 10-page activity to work on the language in the amazing story.

Emma Donoghue, writer

Here’s the audio. I hope you enjoy it!

A warm thank you to Ms Donoghue for replying to my language questions. I’m sharing her answer with you all (see learning pack)!

Happy March 8. Celebrating Feminism! <3

Download “The Tale of the Voice, by Emma Donoghue” donoghue_thetaleofthevoice.mp3 – Downloaded 2931 times –

A Feminist Halloween! & A Story: The Werewolf, by Angela Carter

Read the transcript of the Carter story and find my handout with language questions and another story, about the ORAL story Angela Carter took into account for writing “The Werewolf” (unfortunately known as… Red Riding Hood, the patriarchal version of “The Grandmother’s Tale”!)


Stories. My Mum, the Circus & Family Adventures!

Going to this webpage on Your Stuff! > Your Texts > Stories, you will find the transcript, too. It includes a page with Useful Language and links to get more Useful Language on various topics!

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People. What can we learn from Virginia Woolf?

Download the AntiExam Pack: Virginia Woolf, the Spring Practice Test Pack for Elementary (Básico 1). Use this episode to prepare a monologue on Virginia Woolf.

Download “People. What Can We Learn from Virginia Woolf?” virginiawoolf.mp3 – Downloaded 1192 times –

Situations. Bumping into a friend & talking about movies (3, Elementary/Pre-intermediate, A2)

We are happy to share with you a lovely contribution by teachers in one of Spain’s public/state-run language schools for adults (EOI schools).

Going to the movies: Hidden Figures (2017) – with the crosscurricular viewpoint of Education for Equality (Coeducación)

Dialogues for 3 levels: Básico/Pre-intermediate (A2), Upper Intermediate (B2), and Advanced (C1)

Kindly recorded by teachers at the EOI Fuengirola English Department: Marisa & Roberto (for the Básico dialogue), John and MF (for Upper Intermediate & Advanced). Scripts written by… guess who! 😀

Read the transcript here

Situations. Bumping into a friend & talking about movies/films (1, Advanced, C1)

We are happy to share with you a lovely contribution by teachers in one of Spain’s public/state-run language schools for adults (EOI schools).

Going to the movies: Hidden Figures (2017) – with the crosscurricular viewpoint of Education for Equality (Coeducación)

Dialogues for 3 levels: Básico, Upper Intermediate (B2), and Advanced (C1)

Kindly recorded by teachers at the EOI Fuengirola English Department: Marisa & Roberto (for the Básico dialogue), John and MF (for Upper Intermediate & Advanced). Scripts written by… guess who! 😀

Read the transcript here

Stories. Traveling, the Forging of a Teacher, by michelle

portada2015ebookFrom our first ebook, “Stories from My Teacher. On the English Language, Lifelong Learning and Our r-evoLution“!

Free ebook download here (also pdf version).


Download “Traveling, the Forging of a Teacher, by michelle” forging.mp3 – Downloaded 1049 times –

Stories. Si fuera… / If I were or was… by michelle

For the time being, you can read the post with the original story here.

The original thing Pablo said was: “A window that cannot close (well)” “Una ventana que no cierra” — I just remembered. Can you draw it?

Download “Stories. Si fuera… / If I were or was… by michelle” sifuera.mp3 – Downloaded 1376 times –

Stories. The Fun They Had, by Isaac Asimov

Read the story.

Download “Stories. The Fun They Had, by Isaac Asimov” asimov_fun.mp3 – Downloaded 1427 times –
Portrait of the american biochemist and writer Isaac Asimov. USA, 1970s (Photo by Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)
Portrait of the american biochemist and writer Isaac Asimov. USA, 1970s (Photo by Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)
The Talking People Podcast