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Download “Elementary. Present. Describing a friend” elementary_describingafriend.mp3 – Downloaded 2251 times –Category: Elementary
Elementary. Past. A night out
Elementary. Past. Biographies
Elementary. Present. Story-telling: Movie plots
Elementary. Present. Likes & Dislikes
Elementary. Present. My Neighbors
Elementary. Present. My Lifestyle
Elementary. Present. My Weekly Routines
Elementary. Present. My Daily Routines
Elementary. Present. Talking about people in photos
Elementary. Present. Talking about myself
Elementary. Present. Describing my house
This episode teaches you how to talk about your house, considering structure and language items at the Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels. First listen, and then read the transcript. Finally, try to describe your house!
Download “Elementary. Present. Describing my house” usefullang_describingmyhouse.mp3 – Downloaded 4128 times –Elementary. Spelling. The ABC & a communicative spelling method!
Elementary. Present. The Time and Dates 2
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Elementary. Past. Talking about your winter holidays
This audio includes some language tips, too: on the uses of “will” and the good context for practicing comparatives here, the use of the present perfect + “ever” in the UK and of the past simple + “ever” in the USA, plus a language note, on the use of How …? &What … like?
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