Stories. A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud, by Carson McCullers

Carson McCullers

A story which is hard to read, especially if you want to teach students to pronounce the endings and the consonant clusters!!! 🙂

Read the story.

Download “Stories. A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud, by Carson McCullers” carsonmccullers_atreearockacloud.mp3 – Downloaded 2616 times –

Useful Language. Letter-Writing. Requesting information 01

With this audio we’re pushing our section of Useful Language a bit further, to include… letter-writing!

Why record audios of that? Well, you can learn to read the language we may use in letters. In this way, you’ll remember it better. You’ll probably consolidate your speaking skills and you are likely to improve in terms of not making certain kind of grammar mistakes — those “silly mistakes” you always make and that you keep not fixing because you insist in NOT proofreading your work!!! ;D

Listen now to this sample letter of someone trying to find out some information about language courses abroad.
Read this letter here.
If you want me to read your own sample letters, just let me know!

Poems. The Housing Poem, by Dian Million

Post  your comments at the Dakota in Spain blog
Read the poem at Dian Million’s webpage on Talking People, and find out more about her

Download “Poems. The Housing Poem, by Dian Million” dianmillion_thehousingpoem.mp3 – Downloaded 2591 times –

Useful Language. Saying thank you 01

Read the thank you sentenceson this Talking People link
Read the thank you notes on this Talking People link
This episode contains mostly drilling (the same structure with changes in some words), so at times I won’t be repeating each sentence twice, just once. It has two sections: first, a one-page list of useful sentences to thank people different kinds of things. Then, 6 different thank you notes or letters you could learn to be fluent in! If you wish to write Thank You Notes and Letters please, post them here for correction and subsequent publication!

Download “Useful Language. Saying thank you 01” usefullang_letters_thanks01.mp3 – Downloaded 1580 times –

Useful Language. Making requests 01

Read the sentences
It includes drilling with indirect questions, too. More on indirect questions here.

Download “Useful Language. Making requests 01” usefullang_requests01.mp3 – Downloaded 1990 times –

Stories. Ada, by Gertrude Stein

Gertrude Stein

Gertrude Stein, a vital explorer of life and art,  tried to write like Cezanne painted. It’s hard to explain.
Ada is a story to her lifelong loved one.

Read  Ada and read about Gertrude Stein.

Download “Stories. Ada, by Gertrude Stein” gertrudestein_ada.mp3 – Downloaded 2296 times –

Useful Language. Giving contact information

This episode contains sentences you can use while speaking or in writing to give contact information.
Read the sentences.

Download “Useful Language. Giving contact information” usefullang_givingcontactinfo.mp3 – Downloaded 1853 times –

Poems. Autobiography in 5 short chapters, by Portia Nelson

Portia Nelson
Read the poem and learn more about its author. There are some language notes in the Word version you’ll find.
Hope you enjoy it!
Download “Poems. Autobiography in 5 short chapters, by Portia Nelson” portianelson_autobiographyinfiveshortchapters.mp3 – Downloaded 1806 times –

Elementary. Modals. Invitations. Would you like…?

This episode for Elementary (Básico) students includes some oral drilling so you can listen and repeat, and learn useful sentences, and then an explanation of the difference between “Would you like …?” and “Do you like…?” There is no transcript of this episode but if you need it, post your request at the Talking People Podcast!

Download “Elementary. Modals. Invitations. Would you like…?” usefullanguage_wouldyoulike.mp3 – Downloaded 2076 times –

Useful Language. Suggestions, Proposals, Recommendations

Read those sentences at the TP Website.

Download “Useful Language. Suggestions, Proposals, Recommendations” usefullang_suggestions01.mp3 – Downloaded 1620 times –

Poems. Wild Geese, by Mary Oliver

Mary OliverRead this poem and find more info/activities.

Tell yourself this poem when you are waiting to enter an examination room! It’ll lull you a bit, soothe you down, and you’ll be able to concentrate and focus better! 🙂

Download “Poems. Wild Geese, by Mary Oliver” maryoliver_wildgeese.mp3 – Downloaded 2225 times –

Useful Language. Communicative Strategies Part 3

This episode is devoted to communicative strategies, fluency and correction in conversations. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 (below).
Download “Useful Language. Communicative Strategies Part 3” usefullanguage_conversations03.mp3 – Downloaded 2180 times –

Useful Language. Communicative Strategies Part 2

This episode is devoted to communicative strategies, fluency and correction in conversations. Check out Part 1 (below) and Part 3 (above).
Read Part 2. Agreeing, Sitting on the Fence, Showing You Follow and Making Comments to “accompany” the person who is speaking, Inviting People to Speak

Download “Useful Language. Communicative Strategies Part 2” usefullanguage_conversations02.mp3 – Downloaded 1978 times –

Useful Language. Communicative Strategies Part 1

This episode is devoted to communicative strategies, fluency and correction in conversations. Sentences are taken from the TP section called “Useful Language – Conversations”. We will deal with all of this parting from the different language functions we need to perform while communicating, such as clarifying and the like. This episode is divided into 3 parts.
Read Part 1. Asking for Clarification and Getting More Information, Checking for Comprehension
If you’re interested in improving your ability to discuss ideas with people who do not think like you do, please check out this TP website section: Speaking – Discussions. It is true we cannot do much when people refuse to listen or insist in interpreting we’re hurting them with our words, especially when these are critical thinking. We cannot do much in what does not depend on us. But we can try to develop a constructive attitude and approach to discussions, and also some useful skills. These notes are based on workshops on problem-solving, negotiation and nonviolent communication, and on the application of their contents in communicative language lessons.
Post your questions and comments here. Have a nice day!

Download “Useful Language. Communicative Strategies Part 1” usefullanguage_conversations01.mp3 – Downloaded 2550 times –

The Talking People Podcast